Call for work placements PSRS UTUMISHI this August 2024

In an exciting development for job seekers across Tanzania, the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS), known locally as UTUMISHI, has announced a fresh call for work placements this August 2024. This opportunity is a golden ticket for individuals looking to kickstart or advance their careers within the Tanzanian public sector.

The Employment Secretariat in the Public Service is announcing the results of interviews conducted between June 10th, 2023, and June 10th, 2024, including those who were in the database for various cadres and assigned workstations after vacancies became available.

PSRS (UTUMISHI) Call for Work Placements
Successful candidates must collect their job placement letters from the Employment Secretariat’s offices in the Public Service at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) in the Dr. Asha Rose Migiro Buildings, Open Registry, within seven days from the date of this announcement. Those not included in the announcement should not hesitate to apply for future job opportunities when advertised.

IMPORTANT: Those coming to collect their job placement letters are required to have identification for verification purposes. Acceptable forms of identification include a National ID, Passport, Zanzibar Resident ID, Voter’s ID, or Driver’s License. Stay updated with the latest job vacancies and announcements by visiting regularly.

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